EvolvingSTEM uses Evolution-In-Action to capture the imagination of high school biology students. We provide classrooms with the tools to engage students in an authentic laboratory experience that increases understanding of key life science topics and inspires an enduring interest in science.

What Is EvolvingSTEM?

An inquiry-based scientific curriculum that:

  • Increases understanding of key life science topics supported by Next Generation Science Standards 
  • Exposes students to commonly used laboratory practices and analytical methods
  • Connects basic research to real world applications in medicine
  • Improves scientific communication and computational thinking skills
  • Builds engagement and interest in STEM






“This biofilm module was overwhelmingly one of the most engaging I have encountered with my students.  From high achieving to those who need more support, all the students demonstrated their inquisitive nature to ask their own questions based on the changes in morphology and the correlation to biofilm production.  Students had to plan and carry out their investigations, process and interpret data, and communicate their results in a formal poster format and presentation. Every student thought like real scientists and wanted to learn and find out more. They were just disappointed we didn’t have more time. Two students will be continuing the research in the form of a senior project.”

Dr. Edwina Kinchington
Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy

“Reading about evolution is totally different from experiencing it. When you experience something, you actually remember and learn the material better.”

9th Grade Student, Winnacunnet High School

“We’ve been doing the EvolvingSTEM curriculum for the past 3 years in our Biology classes. The curriculum has really allowed our evolution unit to flourish and has also enhanced our prior units with big idea connections of important concepts regarding cells, genetics, and ecology. The experimental protocol has allowed our students to experience real-life hands on experimentation and research methods, and the corresponding lab report developed around the experiment has allowed our students to see evolution happening and to learn through inquiry based on their own findings. We consistently see students engaged in the learning process and questioning what is happening, why it’s happening, and trying to further their understanding. Overall the experiment and developed curriculum has been an amazing addition to our biology program.”

Brendan Albright & Jake Orend
Peters Township High School

“One of the biggest challenges in teaching life science to young students was the lack of authentic, hands-on experiments that explore evolution.  The EvolvingSTEM curriculum fills this significant gap and helps students visualize evolution in as little as a week. In this time students collect, analyze and discuss data obtained in the experiments while using tools and technology found in a modern molecular biology lab.  In addition, the experiments help to solidify essential experimentation concepts like independent variables, dependent variables, and control while emphasizing critical thinking and collaboration.  Lastly, EvolvingSTEM helped me to reduce major misconceptions about evolution, especially the idea that evolution takes millions of years to occur. The protocol is highly adaptive and works in all classrooms from Introductory Biology to Advanced Placement. EvolvingSTEM is a game changer and has become the centerpiece of my life science curriculum!”

Dr. Ron Kinser
Sewickley Academy

Latest News

EvolvingSTEM is an NSF BIORETS awardee!

We are thrilled to have been awarded a 3-year grant (2022-2025) from the National Science Foundation to become a BioSci Research Experiences for Teachers (BIORETS) training site. Each summer, we will recruit and provide excellent stipends for middle school and high...

PittMed Magazine Profile

EvolvingSTEM and our BIORETS summer training program was profiled by PittMed Magazine in an article called "Mutant Summer." early 2022, a $600,000 three-year grant from the National Science Foundation began funding a new eight-week summer program on Pitt’s...

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What is EvolvingSTEM?

I am often asked, “What IS EvolvingSTEM?”  Here’s how the conversation usually goes: Me: “It’s based on a weeklong experiment with bacteria that demonstrates evolution in action.” Them:  “For college classes, right?” Me: “No, for introductory and advanced high school...

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EvolvingSTEM on WESA

Get a closer look into how students and teachers at Pittsburgh Science & Technology Academy took a hands approach to evolution with our curriculum on 90.5 WESA. “[...] I would implore all teachers to give it a try because the engagement of the student is so much...

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University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine
450 Technology Dr
430 Bridgeside Pt 2
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Dr. Cooper (Executive Director)
Dr. Matela (Director of Outreach)

© 2023 EvolvingSTEM

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